Avoiding Common Mistakes

Avoiding Common Mistakes In Online/Self Paced Learning

Online/Self Paced learning has gain a lot of popularity lately. The new generations is more prone to enroll in distant learning programs and make the maximum use of technology. At one time, offering online/self paced courses was restrictive to large state, non-profit/ profit organizations and even individual schools are now beginning virtual schools of their own.

The adaptability of online/self paced learning can make it a profoundly powerful option technique for conveyance, yet it isn’t without its one of a kind difficulties. No matter since how long you have been involved in online/self paced learning; chances are that you have been a victim of some type of learning pitfall every now and then. Here I have identified and made few suggestions over how to avoid them.


  1. Take Your Time

It is very common in online/self paced learning to take the study schedule very lightly. People tend to get stuck in their overly busy work life and complete the assignments on the very day it is due. Since there is no strict supervision or regular classes to attend, bringing punctuality is very crucial in self-paced/online learning. Begin by creating a schedule for yourself, how much time you need to spend on your coursework each day, start doing your assignments by spreading it over on different phases the day it is given to you, make sure you come to the online session a little prepared and know your learning directions.


  1. Understand the Difference

It is not enough to simply copy paste your face to face course material in online course/self paced learning programs. The speaker specially has to understand the difference in requirements of face to face sessions and self paced/online sessions. Similarly, the learner must understand that he/she is undergoing an online interaction with the speaker or is involved in self paced learning program and must adjust accordingly. The learner must prepare the questions pre-hand before coming to the online session to be asked in the limited time with speaker. Similarly, the speaker shall make use of different tools and techniques such as shortening the online sessions unlike in regular class room environment and make presentations more interactive to maintain student’s attention.


  1. Use Rubrics

It is vital to use to Rubrics in an online environment. They help in giving clear directions to students regarding completion of assignments and discussions, eliminate confusion among students, help avoid overloading your inbox with assignment questions, and ensure uniformity while marking the same assignment. So therefore, for online/self paced learning success it is essential to include rubrics for every assessment in your course.


  1. Online Discussion Sessions

Benefit as much as possible from online discussions! Without a conventional classroom, you can draw in with different students and instructors through online message boards and chat rooms. Not just does this help you thoroughly consider and examine the course material, it can give you the chance to build relationships with your fellow learners for future networking opportunities.


  1. Using Material

Utilize the majority of the materials accessible. You might be given connections to sound or video clips, or supplementary readings past those in the assigned course book. Invest energy with these materials and fuse them into your general interest of the course. Without in-class lectures, these additional materials give an additional profundity that will add to your comprehension of the course topic.

Inability to locate the proper mix between online/self paced learning outside of the classroom and tools for that understudy to team up/converse with each other and with their instructors can lead to major failures of the online/self paced learning programs.

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