Importance of Employee Training for the Organization

Importance of Employee Training for the Organization

An often neglected yet a very crucial success factor for any organization is the training and development of its employees. This option is mostly disregarded by many organizations as it is considered as a costly factor. While this alone is not the only drawback of involving employees in the training and development activities, it mostly leads to delay in project/ task completion and miss out on work time while attending these training sessions, whether be conducted on or away from the organization. But, irrespective of all the drawbacks and costs involved, these training sessions provide the employees on individual level and organizations as a whole number of advantages that make the overall spending on these activities worthwhile.

Training and development is a never ending – continuous process, that not just alter the thinking of the employees but also leads to enhancement of skills and abilities of employees for doing a particular job and overall quality performance.

Training is mostly given on 4 basic grounds within any organization:

  1. New recruits who join the organization and often trained to acquaint them with the hierarchical mission, vision, tenets and directions and the working conditions of the organization.
  2. The current employees are prepared to revive and improve their insight through these trainings.
  3. If up-gradations of the skills set of the employees is needed, trainings are provided to acquire the new skills such as acquiring new hardware, strategy of production, new IT softwares implementation, etc.
  4. Career growth or promotions of employee, such as moving from sales manager to a sales leader, leads to training to make them more adaptable to newer roles and responsibilities.

While there are various reasons which can ignite the process of training and development, there are many serious causes which are important to be taken into account by the organizations to give high consideration to training and development:

  1. High Employee Morale
    Training and personal development adds the needed confidence in employees, where they become more self aware of their abilities and skills, they experience boosted morale, higher job involvement, more task authority and thus leads to lower absenteeism and turnover which overall contributes to the organizational success and better- more engaged work environment.
  2. More Autonomy
    A well trained employee is a more trust worthy employee, which needs little to almost no supervision and is mature enough to be responsible for his/ her work and responsibilities.This leads to greater time saving of not just the employee himself but also for the manager/ supervisor leading to overall team performance and less organizational wastage.
  3. Less Errors
    When an employee is properly trained and is the master of his/ her task, there are fewer to almost no chances of errors. Thus, saving the organization a lot of time, cost and energy wasted in employee trail and error way of working.  The more trained an employee is for any task/ area of operations, the more proficient he/she becomes in conducting the task and there are fewer chances of any accidents therefore leading to overall organization success.
  4. Growth
    Once trained the employees become more eligible for promotion and growth within the organization. He/she can now take on bigger roles and responsibilities, saving the organization the cost of hiring a senior resource at a much higher price as an additional resource. The same employee can now take on strategic role within the organization and become a strong asset for the organization.
  5. Improved Productivity
    A properly trained employee will show not just quantity but quality work performance. It is imperative that the employee is properly trained in order for him to have full control of tasks and improve his/ her performance and of the organization as a whole by leading to less time, money and resource wastage.

Having a prepared workforce implies your employee are adapting to new abilities that can enhance organizational production and productivity, cut time spent in operational or administrative tasks, diminish production costs, client trust on your organization and making a preferred workplace. An interest in your employees’ expertise/ skills sets is an interest in your organization. At the point when everybody shows signs of improvement, the organization as a whole shows signs of improvement.

Has your business found the significance of training the employees yet? Kindly share your opinion with us in the comment box below or visit our website to explore a broad range of training and development opportunities we provide to executive around the country.

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